Liberation Day

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Background[edit | edit source]

Liberation Day celebrates the July Revolution wherein the Imperial Union of Planets was officially founded with the signing of the Articles of the Imperial Union on July 9th, 2379.

Events leading to the victory of IUOP[edit | edit source]

Final Victory[edit | edit source]

The final victory of the Rebellion (and recently formed IUoP)) came in late January 2379 when the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance signed an armistice with the Imperial Union of Planets. One of the key triggers for this sudden armistice was the Romulan Technocracy under the leadership of the newly elected Chairman Shinzon declared war on the Alliance in mid 2378. This gave the Terran Rebellion the opportunity it needed to make for a final push all the way to Cardassia Prime and then finally all the way to Qo'nos the Klingon homeworld itself.