Romulan Language

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Background[edit | edit source]

One thing the Romulans agreed on quickly was that they could not stop being Vulcan while they still spoke the language. In order to rectify this problem, the Romulans went back to old or "High" Vulcan and "aged" the language in another direction. The resulting tongue was named Rihan, with the Romulans' name for themselves being Rihannsu, meaning "the Declared", in reference to their decision to secede from Vulcan society.

Edaihtir u'Rhirhalir Rhudheriin Raeler[edit | edit source]

  • (Often-Used Words and Phrases)

Salutations, Benedictions, and Assorted Other Pleasantries[edit | edit source]

Jolan'tru. Hello/Goodbye. (Semi-formal)

Bedah. Goodbye. (Formal)

Y'hhau. Hi/Bye. (Informal)

Brhon mnek. Good morning.

Temar mnek. Good night.

Ishau mnekev're. Dream well. (Non-modal imperative verb + polite form of adjective) (In Mol'Rihan dialect, this would be "Isha'u mnekev're.")

Jolan'tru, cordaihkhir. Hello, faithful ones.

Hann'yyo. Thanks. (Informal)

Aefvadh. Be welcome.

I'iraeka'edhir. Congratulations.

Hwi shhiin hwai heihnehh. You won your reward.

Hrhae'u hlun. Say again. Repeat what you said. (non-modal imperative) (This is in the Mol'Rihan dialect.)

Hwiiy mnek, ie? You (singular, "Normal" [that is, informal and non-modal]) are good/well, yes?

Hwiiyir mnekir, ie? You (all) are good/well, yes?

Qiuu mnekir, ie? All ("all things," or "all of you") are well, yes?

Arhem mnek. ahr'mnek arhem. I'm good. (Normal, [informal, non-modal])

Arhem gaenoh. ahr'mnek gaenoh. I'm okay. (Normal, [informal, non-modal])

ahr'ehhaisamemh arhem. I'm sleepy. (Normal, [informal, non-modal])

ahr'ehraet rhanne. I'm tired/weary. (Formal, non-modal)

Ie, arhem mnek llilla. Yes, I am well enough. (Normal [informal, non-modal])

Lhao'e aou'nel caevra s'Sela. Colder than the heart of Sela.

Jolan'tru, rhadai galaen s'Tal'Diann. Hello, people of the fleet of Tal'Diann.

Bhron mnek rhaevher galaen s'Tal'Diann. Good morning to the people of the fleet of the Tal'Diann.

Jolan'tru, rhadai galaen s'Tal'Diann. Qiuu mnekir, ie? Hello, people of the fleet of the Tal'Diann. All ("all things," or "all of you") are well, yes?

Dhraeu mnek! Good work!

Arhem ecurai aeu aei nhraite. I hope that it may become. (More-or-less: "I hope so.") (Normal [informal, non-modal])

Rhhae llhnae'dhohh krowert. I shall return soon. Rhhae llhnae'dhohh akden. I shall return later. Rhhae llhnaer. I have returned. (*** All three of the statements above are what a superior officer would say to his or her subordinates; for other modes of expressing these ideas, see the language resources page. ***)

Rekkhai Madam/Sir (military form of address to a superior officer)

Family Terms[edit | edit source]

Paenhe Daughter

v'Paenhe Adopted Daughter

ri'Nanov Mother

v-Ri'nanov Adoptive Mother

di'Ranov Father

v-Di'ranov Adoptive Father

Faelirh Son

hru'Nanov Grandmother

v-hru'Nanov Adoptive Grandmother

hru'Diranov Grandfather

v-hru'Diranov Adoptive Grandfather

hru'Paenhe Granddaughter

hru'Faelirh Grandson

v'hru'Paenhe Adopted Granddaughter

v'hru'Faelirh Adopted Grandson

Rinam Sister

v'Rinam Adopted Sister

v-Rinam Adoptive Sister

Dinam Brother

v'Dinam Adopted Brother

v-Dinam Adoptive Brother

Rian Cousin

v'Rian Adopted Cousin

Vada Aunt (This is a Mol'Rihan dialectical word; Standard Rihan makes distinctions between Maternal and Paternal Aunts.)

hru'Vada Grandaunt

Vadi Uncle (This is a Mol'Rihan dialectical word; Standard Rihan makes distinctions between Maternal and Paternal Uncles.)

hru'Vadi Granduncle

Vadia Niece (More formally, "paenhe-ravsem," which is, literally, "daughter of sibling.")

Vadii Nephew (More formally, "faelirh-ravsem," which is, literally, "son of sibling.")

paenhe-veothai-ravsem Grandniece (Literally, "daughter of child of sibling.")

faelirh-veothai-ravsem Grandnephew (Literally, "son of child of sibling.")

Ailhun Wife

Deyhhan Husband

General Commands, Requests, Etc.[edit | edit source]

Aihei'u arhem. Attend me. (non-modal imperative) (Accompany me, guard me, care for me.) -- A command issued by Di'on t'Charvon to Spock in "The Enterprise Incident." (This is in the Mol'Rihan dialect.)

S'tivh'e aemni. Attention! / Pay attention. (superior officer issuing a command to subordinates)

Iurrhi'u Hdraelevha G-14 s'Tal'Diann. Come to Starbase G-14 of the Tal'Diann. (This is in Mol'Rihan dialect; for Standard Rihan, it would be "Iurrhiu hdraelevha G-14 s'Tal'Diann.")

Haeuui'i arhem. Beam-aboard (imperative, Sup to inf) me. Beam me aboard. (superior officer issuing a command to subordinate)

Haeuuiu arhem. Beam me aboard. (non-modal imperative) (In Mol'Rihan dialect, this would be "Haeuui'u arhem.")

Haeuuin arhem. (Haeuui-n arhem.) Beam me aboard. (inf to Sup, imperative -- speaking to a superior officer)

Haeuui'rau arhem. Let me beam aboard. (polite request)

Klaverelan'e, kuokur. Behave, children.

Tal'Diann Terms[edit | edit source]

Phi'Tlaru Rihan Military-Intelligence Romulan (Romulan Military Intelligence)

Ph'Tlaru Mol'Rihan Military-Intelligence New-Romulan (New Romulan Military Intelligence)

Bresasam s'Tal'Diann [a] Gathering of the Tal'Diann

Khfi s'Tal'Diann Headquarters of the Tal'Diann

Hdrael Starbase

Aoll Spire

Emaehae Akhoiin Mine of Dilithium

Laehna ih'Laeosa Research Lab

Ehkifv Temjahaere Proconsul (literally, "Governing Consul")

Fvillha, Fvillhu Praetor (Primary Political Title of the Head of the Tal'Diann, whose military rank is "galae'Enriov," or "Fleet Admiral." Her secondary Political Title is "hru'Phi'Tlarum," which is "Chief of Military Intelligence.") ((Note that the spelling "fvillhu" was originally a real-world Human scribal error, but it has entered common use in Rihan-speaking communities and may now be regarded as a dialectical variant; "Fvillhu" is the spelling used among the personnel of the Tal'Diann, Tal-Diann, and their Academies, in part due to the Tal'Shiar having occasionally used the word with the spelling "Fvillha" to refer to the head of their organization. We regard it as the Mol'Rihan dialectical variant of "Fvillha," although we say that it originated in the colonies prior to the establishment of the Republic. The use of "Fvillha" is frowned upon unless it be used in reference to historical [pre-Republic] figures or whomever may hold the office of "Praetor of the Romulan Star Empire" in the present.))

Hmmial Aide-de-Camp (In Tal'Diann usage, this means both "Officer Aide-de-Camp" and "Chief of Staff," and is the title given to the Second-in-Command of the organization.)

Khoilmnriir Hwyejhaien Commandant of Holdings (In Tal'Diann usage, this is the title given to the Third-in-Command of the organization, sometimes shortened to "Khoilmnriir" [commandant].)

Ekhiel Fvillhum Council of the Praetor

Eireth Nodaire'enh Steering Committee (literally, "Guiding Commission")

Raenasa High Command

Leih Khlinae'eri Honored Commander (The position, not the rank; this is a title bestowed by the Praetor of the Tal'Diann on those who have demonstrated dedication above and beyond the call of duty, which is accompanied by a promotion to the rank of khre'Riov, or "Commodore," and is a prerequisite to being admitted to the Raenasa of the Tal'Diann.)

Irrah s'Ta'Diann Member of the Tal'Diann

Kreh'dhhokh Rihan Romulan Republic Kreh'dhhokh Mol'Rihan New Romulan Republic

Raenasa ih'Saeihr s'Kreh'dhhokh Mol'Rihanai (Star Command of the New Romulan Republic) usually called simply Raenasa ch'Mol'Rihan (literally, "Command-Center of New Romulans," but more often prosaically translated as "New Romulus Command")

Aehjae'nen s'Khreh'dhhokh Rihanai Supporter (Sponsor, one who supports or sponsors) of the Romulan Republic

Daehlen s'ch'Mol'Rihan Friend of New Romulus

Ahr'yy'a na Shiar ih'Saeihr Rihan. The Romulan Star Empire is dead. Thiich'u Khreh'dhhokh Mol'Rihan u' na Mol'Rihannsu! (Long live the New Romulan Republic and the New Romulans!) (Note that the second sentence is in Mol'Rihan dialect.)

Flaihh'u ch'Rihan! Flaihh'u ch'Havran! Flaihh'u Virinat! Flaihh'u Crateris! Remember Romulus! Remember Remus! Remember Virinat! Remember Crateris! (This is the fleet battle-cry of the Tal'Diann [sometimes shortened to "flaihh'u ch'rihan! flaihh'u virinat!"]. This battle-cry is based on the battle-cry of the Texans during the Texas Revolution: "Remember the Alamo! Remember Goliad!" which called upon the revolutionaries to remember the site of two massacres committed by their opponents. In the same way, both the homeworlds ch'Rihan and ch'Havran, as well as colonies like Virinat and Crateris, were subjected to massacres by the Tal'Shiar, with ch'Rihan u' ch'Havran being completely destroyed by the Tal'Shiar when they caused the Hobus Supernova, and the peaceful agricultural colony on Virinat and the peaceful mining colony on Crateris being attacked by the Tal'Shiar and their Elachi allies. In both cases, untold numbers were slaughtered, while in the attacks on Virinat and Crateris, many colonists were taken captive and subjected to experimentation by the Elachi [and were then turned into food for elachi young], and torture by the Tal'Shiar. These were Crimes Against Peace and Crimes Against Romulanity, perpetrated by the cowardly and inept Tal'Shiar, and must be remembered, so as to remind us why we fight the Tal'Shiar and the Shiar ih'Saeihr Rihan. Note that this is in Mol'Rihan dialect.)

ahr'Lleiset na mnhei'sahe hachaen lamne'elh s'Rihan. The central mnhei'sahe (ruling passion) of the collective Romulan psyche is Freedom.

ahr'Lleiset mnhei'sahe mnei. Our central governing passion is Freedom. (The motto of the Tal'Diann)

Miscellaneous[edit | edit source]

Epohhir! Epohhir heis'helho u' daehlehkhir! Hwi ssraei Epohh'daehlen, ie? Epohhir ouyer, ie? Q jol en thiichnenen khiilalen ... lokhos hwi! Pets! Lovable and friendly pets! You want a pet-friend, yes? Pets are beautiful, yes? Q loves all of-ones-living of-little ... even you! (Epohhs! Cuddly and friendly Epohhs! Don't you want an Epohh friend? Aren't Epohhs adorable? Q loves all the little creatures ... even you!) Epohhir! Epohhir heis'helho u' daehlehkhir! Hwi ssraei Epohh'daehlen, ie? Epohhir ouyer, ie? Q jol en thiichnenen khiilalen ... lokhos hwi!

Ajoi sihhusn mnean! Elements preserve us! (This would be an oath in use among those Rihannsu who adhere to the very popular sacred tradition sometimes described as "worship of the Elements.")

ri'Nanov sihhusn mnean! Mother preserve us! (This would be an oath in use among those Rihannsu who adhere to the sacred tradition known as "the Mother's Weavers.")