Sasha Lynn Viktoria

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Sasha Viktoria
Sasha Viktoria circa 2281
Full Name: Sasha Lynn Viktoria
Species: 1/2 Terran / 1/2 Romulan
Gender: Female
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 149 Lbs
Eye color: Jade-Green
Hair color: Dark Red
Homeworld: New Terra, formerly Terra
Birthplace: Glasgow, Terra
Born: 2253
Affiliation: Imperial Union of Planets, Formerly Terran Empire/Terran Republic
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Commander, Imperial Starfleet in the Imperial Union of Planets
Previous Assignment: Lieutenant, in the Terran Empire/Terran Republic Starfleet

History[edit | edit source]

General Bio & Personality[edit | edit source]

Survivor of the Siege of Terra[edit | edit source]

Sasha Lynn Viktoria and her crew are some of the survivors of the final assault on Terra, her vessel during the escape was caught in a Wormhole only to their surprise come out in 2409 thinking no time had passed, only to than be attacked by a Second Terran Empire scout force (thinking the ship was a IUOP spy). Despite the odds not being in their favor with the help of the Romulus Liberation Army, Sasha Lynn Viktoria and her crew were able to escape into the safety of IUOP Territory.