Bennu System

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Bennu (System)[edit | edit source]

Bennu (System)
5 Planets (With 0 Asteroid Belts)
Stark.jpg Classn.jpg Classm.jpg Classt.jpg Classv.jpg Classi.jpg

Stark.jpg Star Data
Type K6 V Orange Main Sequence
Radius 0.91 x sol
Mass 0.84 x sol
Temperature 4000 K
Luminosity 0.48 x sol
Classn.jpg Heliani (I)
Type Class N - Pelagic
Orbital Radius 0.48 AU
Period 0.36 earth years
Mass 0.98g
Population 500 million
Classm.jpg Atum (II)
Type Class M - Terrestrial
Orbital Radius 0.67 AU
Period 0.59 earth years
Gravity 1.04g
Population 6 Billion
Classt.jpg III
Type Class T - Gas Super-giant
Orbital Radius 1.00 AU
Period 0.97 earth years
Gravity 16.55g
Khepri.jpg Khepri (III - A)
Type Class M-SP1 (Industrial World)
Gravity 1.2g
Atmosphere -Thin Toxic-
Population 1.1 Billion
Classv.jpg IV
Type Class V - Nyxian
Orbital Radius 2.61 AU
Period 4.61 earth years
Gravity 2.19g
Classi.jpg V
Type Class I – Ice Giant
Orbital Radius 4.20 AU
Period 9.41 earth years
Gravity 4.33g