New Alaska System

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New Alaska (System)[edit | edit source]

New Alaska (System)
6 Planets (With 3 Asteroid Belts)
Starf.jpg Starwhited.jpg 75px 75px Classh.jpg Gaspra.jpg Browndwarf.jpg Classib.jpg Gaspra.jpg Classi.jpg Gaspra.jpg

Starf.jpg Star Data
Type F2 V Yellow-white Main Sequence
Radius 1.34 x sol
Mass 1.85 x sol
Temperature 7100 K
Luminosity 6.29 x sol
Starwhited.jpg Companion Star
Type DB1 White Dwarf
Orbital Radius 0.65 AU
Period 0.47 earth years
Radius 0.01 x sol
Mass 0.98 x sol
Temperature 59000 K
Luminosity 0.00 x sol
125px Anchorage (I)
Type Class M-B - Marginal
Orbital Radius 2.05 AU
Period 1.74 earth years
Gravity 1.3g
Population 6 Billion
125px Sitka (II)
Type Class M - Terrestrial
Orbital Radius 3.34 AU
Period 3.63 earth years
Gravity 1.05g
Population 4.5 Billion
Classh.jpg III
Type Class H - Geo-Thermal
Orbital Radius 6.39 AU
Period 9.61 earth years
Gravity 2.19g
Gaspra.jpg IV
Type Asteroid Belt
Orbital Radius 11.93 AU
Period 24.51 earth years
Browndwarf.jpg V
Type Brown Dwarf - Type T5
Orbital Radius 21.51 AU
Period 59.31 earth years
Gravity 41.9g
Classib.jpg VI
Type Class I-B – Ice Supergiant
Orbital Radius 43.94 AU
Period 173.20 earth years
Gravity 4.26g
Gaspra.jpg VII
Type Asteroid Belt
Orbital Radius 93.83 AU
Period 540.41 earth years
Classi.jpg VIII
Type Class I – Ice Giant
Orbital Radius 166.24 AU
Period 1274.54 earth years
Gravity 4.11g
Gaspra.jpg IX
Type Asteroid Belt
Orbital Radius 344.06 AU
Period 3794.83 earth years