New Terra

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New Terra
Location New Eden (System), Empyrean Sector, Beta Quadrant
Affiliation Imperial Union of Planets
Capital Zeal (City)
Classification Class M "Terrestrial" (Terraformed from Class R "Promethean")
Gravity 1.08 G
  • Approx: 21.1 Billion
  • New Terran


This Article is about "New Terra" the article on the original Terran homeworld can be found here: Terra



  • New Terra pre-2373, was a world that was apart of the territory of the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance. Known as simply M'rel IV was along with the rest of the system largely untouched, deemed unusable for colonization and low priority for resource exploration and generally of no significance.

Current Era

  • Early 2375 Memory Omega detonates an upgraded Genesis Device (Terraforming effect remains permanently stable but takes several months for the effect to complete) on M'rel IV