Scylla System

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Scylla (System)[edit | edit source]

Scylla (System)
4 Planets (With 1 Asteroid Belts)
Starb.jpg Classx.jpg Classx.jpg Gaspra.jpg Classx.jpg Classw.jpg Classn2.jpg Classp.jpg Classm.jpg Browndwarf.jpg

Starb.jpg Star Data
Type B8 V Blue-white Main Sequence
Radius 6.88 x sol
Mass 17.06 x sol
Temperature 12000 K
Luminosity 11590.61 x sol
Classx.jpg I
Type Class X - Chthonian
Orbital Radius 2.70 AU
Period 1.07 earth years
Gravity 7.5g
Classx.jpg II
Type Class X - Chthonian
Orbital Radius 4.92 AU
Period 2.64 earth years
Gravity 19.3g
Gaspra.jpg III
Type Asteroid Field
Orbital Radius 6.38 AU
Period 3.90 earth years
Classx.jpg IV
Type Class X - Chthonian
Orbital Radius 10.17 AU
Period 7.86 earth years
Gravity 15.6g
Classw.jpg V
Type Class W - Sethian
Orbital Radius 17.77 AU
Period 18.14 earth years
Gravity 3.5g
Classn2.jpg VI
Type Class N-B - Poseidonic
Orbital Radius 37.27 AU
Period 55.09 earth years
Gravity 1.6g
Classp.jpg VII
Type Class P - Planetoid
Orbital Radius 68.18 AU
Period 136.31 earth years
Gravity 0.64g
Population 600 Million
Classm.jpg Messina (VIII)
Type Class M - Terrestrial
Orbital Radius 127.23 AU
Period 347.51 earth years
Gravity 0.99g
Population 6.4 Billion
Browndwarf.jpg IX
Type Brown Dwarf - Type Y0
Orbital Radius 260.36 AU
Period 1017.28 earth years
Gravity 39.1g