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Tal'Diann | |
Organization Flag 215px | Great Seal ![]() |
Motto | ahr'Lleiset mnhei'sahe mnei. (Our chief governing passion is Freedom.) |
Organization Headquarters | ? |
Organization Type | Internal Affairs/Military Intelligence |
Charter | |
Praetor | Ji'ana ir'Vastam t'Charvon |
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Background[edit | edit source]
General[edit | edit source]
The Tal'Diann is Romulan Military Intelligence (this is our primary focus, but we are also the Internal Affairs Agency of the Romulan Republic Forces, thus including Military Police and Military Criminal Investigative Services; Tal'Diann also includes a Sciences Department, divided into the Division of Military Research and Development, the Division of Medical Research, and the Temporal Sciences Division). The Tal'Diann is the well-known foe of the Tal'Shiar (Imperial Secret Police). The Tal'Diann was established before the rise of the Shiar ih'Saeihr Rihan (Romulan Star Empire), and even before time of the Aeiiht'kaehht Rihan (Romulan Confederation), in the days of the Aeiiht'kaehht ih'Mhashe Rihan (Romulan Tribal Confederation).
We in the Tal'Diann oppose the efforts of those who, clinging to the shattered remnants of the Shiar ih'Saeihr Rihan, would restore that regime's corrupt and tyrannical government over all Rihanh. The government of the Shiar ih'Saeihr Rihan became corrupt, decadent, and incompetent long before the rebellion of Shinzon. The time for progress arrived long ago, and we as a people have only recently embraced it (although some have resisted change, infected by a blinkered nostalgia for imperial times, whereas others among us had worked for progress even before recent events).
What finally woke up many of those who had been too timid to stand up and cast off the yoke of our oppressors, was also what brought many of those in denial to face reality, namely, attacks authorized by the imperial government upon peaceful colonies of our people, people who were doing nothing but minding their own business, many of whom had never before dared to even so much as consider disloyalty. However, any government which would not only condone, but actually orchestrate, such unprovoked aggression against its own people is unworthy of loyalty.
Following these attacks, we learned of even more crimes against Rihanno (Romulanity) committed in the name of the previous regime, the most shocking of which was the fact that the Tal'Shiar were even responsible for the Hobus Supernova which destroyed ch'Rihan u' ch'Havran (Romulus and Remus). Whereas the Tal'Diann merely opposed the Tal'Shiar under the previous regime, we of the Tal'Diann, who helped in the foundation of the New Romulan Republic specifically because of the excesses of the Tal'Shiar and the political intrigue and ambition which allowed chaos sufficient for the Tal'Shiar to usurp ever more authority, we, the Tal'Diann, are now explicitly and openly at war with the fragmented and dispersed cells of the Tal'Shiar.
Our loyalties are with the Kreh'dhhokh Mol'Rihan (New Romulan Republic), and our Fvillhu (Praetor), known variously as Ji'ana ir'Vastam t'Charvon, Jessatra ir'Virinat t'Prell, and sundry other aliases, the galae'Enriov (Fleet Admiral) answers only to Ehkifv Temjahaere D'Tan (Proconsul D'Tan).
Now, Tal'Diann has established a Klingon-allied fleet. Tal'Diann is a KDF-allied fleet for Romulans, Remans, Orions, Klingons, Aliens, Gorn, Nausicaans, Letheans, ... and Vulcan Defectors.
Tal-Diann has also established a Federation-allied fleet. Tal-Diann is a Fed-allied fleet for Romulans, Remans, Vulcans, Andorians, and the wide spectrum of those who, no matter their blood nor hue, blaze with the green fire of Freedom.
Historical[edit | edit source]
The organization served as a vast internal affairs division that maintained as well as monitored relations between the Star Command and the Romulan fleets. They serve a critical role during wartime where they ensured that the chain of command was maintained through their officers. This prevented Commander's from disobeying orders as the Legate's ensured that commands were followed to the letter. Thus, its officers often monitored all activities within the fleets and reported suspicious or unusual activities to the Star Command.
Whilst serving as a way of policing the ranks of the military, the Tal'Diann also served as an intelligence branch for the Romulan military. They did not maintain the same level of power as the Tal'Shiar but commanded a great level of respect from the military. It was known that there was a level of competition between the Military Affairs Division of the Tal'Shiar and the Tal'Diann with both sides trying to bring about the political destruction or downfall of the other.
In 1411, the scientific arm of the Tal Diann discovered the means to isolate and harness the power of a quantum singularity to serve as an energy source for the Romulan starship fleet. This allowed the Star Empire to venture out beyond their solar system and become an interstellar power.