Underspace Mirror

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  • Typical Underspace Corridor

Background[edit | edit source]

Underspace is a network of subspace corridors, initially believed to only extend from a large section of the delta quadrant to somewhere in the eastern beta quadrant it is now believed it extends the entirety of the milky way. These corridors allow starships to traverse vast distances in a much short time than would be possible utilizing normal warp drive and even to some extent transwarp drive.

History[edit | edit source]

Prior to the 15th century, the Vaadwaur Coalition discovered and charted the Underspace, using them to travel throughout the Delta Quadrant, as far as Talax and beyond. They used Underspace for trade, exploration and to monitor civilizations on the verge of interstellar travel. The Vaadwaur had a vast data-network of records of the Underspace, which they intended to share with other races after they felt they were ready to join the interstellar community - this data-network was largely destroyed when the Turei Hegemony invaded Vaadwaur territory and largely rendered the species extinct.

Eventually, the Turei and a dozen other slave species in a brutal campaign of extermination virtually wiped the Vaadwaur out of existance, even going so far as to render the Vaadwaur homeworld uninhabitable. They then claimed the Underspace for themselves and have been engaging in an ongoing galactic expansion ever since.

2398[edit | edit source]

IUoP forces discover Underspace corridors within Union Space and proceed to claim it for the union - it has been deemed "Imperial Underspace" and is heavily guarded.

Imperial Underspace[edit | edit source]

The Section of Underspace in IUOP territory is heavily guarded, only military vessels are allowed to utilize it.